Social distancing, Haiku and you, is a poetry project by the interdisciplinary artist Alan Nakagawa in collaboration with the Orange County Museum of Art.

In response to the challenges of being apart and trying to build a collaborative creative project that didn’t require a screen, Los Angeles based artist Alan Nakagawa asked the public to write and record haikus about their experiences during the pandemic.

A haiku is a form of poetry originally from Japan, consisting of three lines with five, seven and five syllables, respectively.

Photo by Alan Nakagawa.

Photo by Alan Nakagawa.

Social distancing, Haiku and you ended up being a welcoming platform for people to explore their creativity amid the crisis, by turning their sentiments into a piece of writing and being part of a bigger initiative.

Examples of the poems submitted from the final inventory.

Examples of the poems submitted from the final inventory.

The museum received more than 550 poems from all over the globe. Nakagawa, who is also a sound artist, compiled the audio files and created a sound collage filled with a sense of the collective feelings and shared experiences caused by the pandemic. A single composition interweaving multiple voices.

Listen to the final piece below!


Documenting sound - By Boomkat editions.


The Covid Art Museum - By three creatives from Barcelona